What is the Business Value of ChatGPT and other Large Generative Language Models?

OpenAI’s GPT models, such as Davinci and ChatGPT, have gained recognition for their impressive language generation abilities. However, many of the tasks that GPT models can perform are not entirely new and could have been accomplished by traditional neural network models for some time. In specific tasks such as sentiment analysis, more specialized models could outperform GPT-3. So, what distinguishes GPT from other models, and why is it creating so much hype? This question is particularly significant to business stakeholders who are curious about generative AI but are still seeking relevant applications. Understanding GPT’s value proposition will enable them to articulate the significance of generative AI use cases.

This article aims to dismantle the value proposition of generative language models such as ChatGPT by discussing it along four dimensions: capabilities (1), versatility (2), simplification (3), and ease of use (4). So if you want to understand why your business should care about GPT, this article is for you!

It is worth mentioning that this article does not differentiate between the different GPT models. The term GPT, in this article, refers to ChatGPT and Davinci, which have comparable capabilities. A key difference is that ChatGPT considers the conversation history, while Davinci treats requests entirely isolated from one another.

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What's the value proposition of OpenAI GPT-3? Midjourney relataly.com
What’s the value proposition of OpenAI GPT? Image created with Midjourney.

What’s the Deal with Large Generative Language Models á la ChatGPT?

To understand the value proposition of large generative models, it can be helpful to compare them to Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and its variations (ROBERTA, etc.).

BERT is a powerful and widely used pre-trained language model in natural language processing (NLP). It was developed by Google and released in 2018, and it quickly became one of the most influential NLP models in the field. We can consider it the predecessor of ChatGPT.

One key difference between the two models is in how they process data. GPT’s sequential processing of input sequences, one token at a time, gives it an advantage over BERT in handling longer and more complex input sequences. This makes GPT better suited for tasks requiring more intricate outputs, such as language translation and dialogue systems. Consequently, GPT is better equipped than BERT for tasks that require generating lengthier and more complex outputs.

Generative vs. Discriminative Models

Generative models like GPT and discriminative models like BERT have fundamental differences in their approach to language processing. While GPT is a large generative language model that generates new text based on input, BERT is a discriminative model that classifies text into predefined categories. While both models have unique strengths and weaknesses, their performance varies based on the task and dataset.

BERT is particularly adept at question answering, text classification, and sentiment analysis, but it may not perform as well at generating new text. On the other hand, GPT is better suited for generating new text and capturing complex language dependencies. This makes it ideal for content generation, language translation, summarization, and question-answering.


Another important aspect of GPT’s training methodology is pre-training. Before being fine-tuned for specific tasks, GPT is pre-trained on a vast amount of data, learning to generate text by predicting the next word in a sentence.

This pre-training phase helps GPT learn grammar, facts about the world, and gives the model even reasoning abilities. This general language understanding serves as a strong foundation for GPT when it comes to solving specific natural language tasks later on. By leveraging this pre-training, GPT can easily adapt to new tasks with relatively less task-specific data. This process, called transfer learning, enables GPT to perform better than other models in various tasks.

Performance vs. Capabilities

Performance and capabilities are distinct factors when evaluating language models. While BERT excels in some applications, GPT’s strengths lie in its capabilities across various fields, particularly with few-shot or zero-shot learning. By fine-tuning GPT to specific tasks, its performance can be further improved and may likely outperform BERT.

Although GPT is proficient at basic NLP tasks like sentiment analysis and text classification, performance comparisons show that BERT can achieve similar or better results with less computational complexity in fundamental NLP tasks. However, the performance of GPT-4, which is yet to be seen, may likely outperform BERT in almost any discipline, even without fine-tuning.

Unmantling GPTs Value Proposition

Despite the impressive capabilities of generative language models like ChatGPT, examining their value proposition in more detail is essential. Therefore, this article aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of the value that these models can provide.

Also: Eliminating Friction: How OpenAI’s GPT Streamlines Online Experiences and Reduces the Need for Traditional Search

#1 Performance

Large generative language models like ChatGPT offer valuable benefits to businesses through their ability to generate natural language responses similar to those produced by humans. This technology can be used in various ways, such as content generation, customer service, and marketing.

Businesses can use generative language models to produce high-quality content quickly and efficiently. For example, a news organization could use ChatGPT to generate news articles or summaries based on current events. Similarly, a company could use this technology to create product descriptions, emails, or even social media posts.

Generative language models can also be employed to provide customers with instant responses to their queries, which could be particularly useful for businesses that receive a high volume of customer inquiries or support requests. ChatGPT can be trained to provide accurate and helpful responses to frequently asked questions or to engage in more complex conversations with customers.

In marketing, generative language models can be used to create personalized content for customers by analyzing customer data to generate customized marketing messages or entire campaigns that resonate with individual customers’ preferences and interests.

ChatGPT’s ability to handle longer input sequences enables it to maintain context and understand the sentiment behind a piece of text more effectively. The use of self-attention mechanisms allows ChatGPT to focus on the most relevant parts of the input when generating its predictions, leading to more accurate results in tasks like sentiment analysis. Additionally, ChatGPT’s increased capacity allows it to learn more complex patterns and representations, resulting in improved performance across various natural language tasks.

Generative language models such as ChatGPT have several advantages over traditional machine learning approaches, including their ability to handle longer inputs.
Generative language models such as ChatGPT have several advantages over traditional machine learning approaches, including their ability to handle longer inputs. Created with Midjourney.

#2 Versatility

For smaller organizations with limited data science resources, implementing AI in their processes can be a significant challenge. Developing specialized models for tasks such as summarization, classification, and translation requires substantial expertise and training data. In many organizations, these resources are not readily available, which can slow down development processes and hinder innovation.

GPT’s versatility addresses this challenge by offering a single API that can perform these tasks and more. This enables smaller organizations to benefit from AI without the need to invest in extensive data science resources. By automating and streamlining their workflows, these organizations can save time and resources, allowing them to focus on their core activities.

A lot of the versatility comes from GPT, allowing for zero-shot or few-shot predictions. Zero-shot learning is a technique where a model is able to perform a task without any explicit training examples. This is possible because GPT was pre-trained on almost the entire text available from the public internet. It allows the model to make inferences based on the patterns it has learned from the data. Few-shot learning, on the other hand, involves training a model on a small amount of data.

It’s important to note that using GPT also poses potential risks, such as biases and inaccuracies. Smaller organizations may lack the resources to address these risks and, therefore, must evaluate GPT’s performance carefully before integrating it into their processes. Nonetheless, the availability of GPT represents a significant opportunity for smaller organizations to leverage AI in their operations and remain competitive in their respective markets.

OpenAI GPT-3 is highly versatile and makes it easy to leverage the power of AI for various tasks. Image Source: Created with Midjourney - An AI that creates images using text.
OpenAI GPT is highly versatile and makes it easy to leverage the power of AI for various tasks. Image Source: Created with Midjourney.

#3 Simplifying Complex Processes

One of the major benefits of ChatGPT and Davinci is their ability to perform multiple tasks within a single request. For instance, a prompt to a GPT model that asks for a summary in five sentences and a German translation can effectively combine the tasks of summarization and translation. This multi-tasking capability streamlines the development process and simplifies complex procedures.

GPT – the Swiss Army Knife of AI

Imagine a situation where a process involves several tasks like translating customer requests, checking specific information, categorizing, and summarizing them. Traditional models would need the creation, integration, security, and maintenance of four separate models. However, a multi-purpose language model like GPT can handle all these tasks in just one request all at once.

While other models like BERT can perform tasks such as language translation and text classification, the ability of ChatGPT and Davinci to execute multiple tasks at once sets them apart. By moving some of the complexity into a prompt for a model, organizations can adapt more easily to changing requirements and become more agile.

ChatGPT and Davinci can be seen as the Swiss Army Knives of AI language models. They offer versatile and adaptable solutions for a wide range of tasks. Much like a Swiss Army Knife, these multi-purpose models provide organizations with a valuable tool that simplifies and streamlines complex procedures, making them an essential asset in today’s rapidly evolving world.

An Ongoing shift Toward AI

As generative AI technology continues to advance, an increasing number of organizations are likely to rely on these models to help simplify their complex processes. This shift can lead to improved efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced accuracy, enabling businesses to focus on their strategic objectives. However, this transition also brings potential risks and challenges, such as ensuring ethical AI usage and addressing the possibility of job displacement. Organizations must carefully consider these factors as they integrate AI into their operations.

The multi-tasking abilities of ChatGPT and Davinci offer a distinct advantage for organizations aiming to streamline intricate processes and boost efficiency. By delegating some of the process complexity to these models, businesses can adapt more rapidly to evolving requirements and improve their overall agility. Nevertheless, it is essential for organizations to assess the potential challenges, ethical considerations, and workforce implications as they incorporate AI into their operations. By doing so, they can make well-informed decisions and develop a balanced approach to harnessing the power of generative AI models, ultimately ensuring sustainable growth and responsible AI integration.

OpenAI GPT-3 offers a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other models. Image created with Midjourney - An AI that creates images using text.
OpenAI GPT offers a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other models. Image created with Midjourney – An AI that creates images using text.

#4 Ease of Use

A major advantage of OpenAI, including GPT, is its ability to lower the entry barrier for organizations using AI. GPT is accessible to developers and data scientists of all skill levels, making it easier for organizations to automate activities without extensive expertise. Its capacity to generalize to new cases (zero or few-shot learning) allows users to start with OpenAI even with little or no data. This is particularly beneficial for smaller customers. They may lack resources for in-house predictive model development, as well as larger customers who can speed up their development processes using a single multi-purpose AI.

Moreover, OpenAI operates as a cloud service, eliminating the need for organizations to build and maintain their own AI infrastructure for GPT model development and hosting. Instead, they can utilize the cloud-based service provided by OpenAI, making it more convenient and cost-effective to begin using AI. This approach allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies while leveraging GPT’s power to enhance operations and drive innovation.

The scalability of Azure OpenAI also empowers businesses to start with a proof-of-concept project and scale up as required. This approach enables organizations to experiment with AI without committing to a large initial investment. Utilizing a single model for various purposes significantly accelerates the creation of POCs. Once a solution demonstrates its value, organizations can later fine-tune the process using more specialized models.

Getting started with OpenAI GPT-3 is easy, as it allows developers to interact with the models using natural language prompts. Image created with Midjourney - An AI that creates images using text.
Getting started with OpenAI GPT is easy, as it allows developers to interact with the models using natural language prompts. Image created with Midjourney – An AI that creates images using text.


This article has explored the unique value proposition of OpenAI’s GPT in a business context, highlighting its enhanced language capabilities (1), versatility in use (2), complexity reduction (3), and lower entry barriers for AI adoption (4). These aspects make GPT a groundbreaking development in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly within natural language processing (NLP).

GPT has demonstrated impressive performance across a wide array of applications, such as chatbots, personalized content generation, question-answering systems, and intricate data interpretation. While other NLP models can accomplish some tasks carried out by GPT, its extensive pre-training on large data sets and ability to manage various domains and tasks render it more flexible and powerful. Consequently, GPT’s potential to streamline workflows and reduce costs is indisputable.

As OpenAI continues to advance and refine its technology, we can anticipate even more innovative use cases for GPT in the future. This ongoing evolution will undoubtedly contribute to the growing significance of GPT in shaping the AI landscape and revolutionizing the way businesses harness the power of artificial intelligence.

OpenAI sets sail to transform various industries, as it offers a strong value proposition.
OpenAI’s GPT offers businesses a substantial value proposition, thus setting sail for massive adoption in various industries. Image Source: Created with Midjourney.

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