Building a Virtual AI Assistant (aka Copilot) for Your Software Application: Harnessing the Power of LLMs like ChatGPT

Welcome to the dawn of a new era in digital interaction! With the advent of Generative AI, we’re witnessing a remarkable revolution that’s changing the very nature of how we interact with software and digital services. This change is monumental. Leading the charge are the latest generation of AI-powered virtual assistants, aka “AI copilots”. Unlike … Read more

Using Fairlearn to Build Fair Machine Machine Learning Models with Python: Step-by-Step Towards More Responsible AI

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As we enter an era where intelligent systems are increasingly relied upon to make key decisions, responsible AI has become more critical than ever before. It’s not enough to simply rely on data-driven decision-making; we must also ensure that these systems are fair and just. But how can we do this when the same bias … Read more