Using Random Search to Tune the Hyperparameters of a Random Decision Forest with Python

Perfecting your machine learning model’s hyperparameters can often feel like hunting for a proverbial needle in a haystack. But with the Random Search algorithm, this intricate process of hyperparameter tuning can be efficiently automated, saving you valuable time and effort. Hyperparameters are properties intrinsic to your model, like the number of estimators in an ensemble … Read more

How to Measure the Performance of a Machine Learning Classifier with Python and Scikit-Learn?

Measuring Classification Performance Medical Machine Learning midjourney relataly

Have you ever received a spam email and wondered how your email provider was able to identify it as spam? Well, the answer is likely machine learning! One common type of machine learning problem is called classification. The goal is to predict the correct class labels for a given set of observations. For example, we … Read more

Multivariate Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data in Python: Using Isolation Forests to Detect Credit Card Fraud

credit card fraud detection python machine learning tutorial cyber criminal neon lights-min

Credit card fraud has become one of the most common use cases for anomaly detection systems. The number of fraud attempts has risen sharply, resulting in billions of dollars in losses. Early detection of fraud attempts with machine learning is therefore becoming increasingly important. In this article, we take on the fight against international credit … Read more

Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks – Classifying Cats and Dogs in Python

image classification with neural networks Python machine learning

This tutorial shows how to use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with Python for image classification. CNNs belong to the field of deep learning, a subarea of machine learning, and have become a cornerstone to many exciting innovations. There are endless applications, from self-driving cars over biometric security to automated tagging in social media. And the … Read more

Customer Churn Prediction – Understanding Models with Feature Permutation Importance using Python

churn prediction python

Customer retention is a prime objective for service companies, and understanding the patterns that lead to customer churn can be the key to maintaining long-lasting client relationships. Businesses incur significant costs when customers discontinue their services, hence it’s vital to identify potential churn risks and take preemptive actions to retain these customers. Machine Learning models … Read more

Tuning Model Hyperparameters with Grid Search at the Example of Training a Random Forest Classifier in Python

hyperparameter tuning titanic dataset machine learning

Are you struggling to find the best hyperparameters for your machine learning model? With Python’s Scikit-learn library, you can use grid search to fine-tune your model and improve its performance. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of hyperparameter tuning for a classification model, using a random decision forest that predicts the survival … Read more

Classifying Purchase Intention of Online Shoppers with Python

Customer Purchase Intention Prediction Python Machine Learning

Online shopping has become a part of our daily lives, and online stores are continually seeking to improve their sales. One way to achieve this is by using machine learning to predict customers’ purchase intentions. This innovative process can help businesses understand their customers’ behavior and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. In this article, we … Read more

Flight Delay Prediction using Azure Machine Learning

flight delay prediction azure machine learning

If you travel a lot, you’ve probably already experienced this – you’re in a hurry on your way to the airport trying to catch a flight, only to find out that your flight is delayed. Wasn’t it great to know when a flight will be delayed in advance? We can use past flight delay data … Read more