Stock Market Prediction using Univariate Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Python

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Financial analysts have long been fascinated by the prospect of predicting the prices of financial assets. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using machine learning and deep learning techniques to generate predictions, in addition to traditional methods such as technical and fundamental analysis. Python libraries like Keras and Scikit-Learn make it relatively … Read more

Accessing Remote Data Sources via REST APIs in Python

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REST APIs provide straightforward access to remote data sources. Data scientists should learn about REST APIs because APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are an important way for data scientists to access data from other sources. By using REST APIs, data scientists can access data from a wide range of sources, including databases, web services, and other … Read more

Getting Started with the Anaconda Python Environment for Machine Learning

Anaconda is a popular open-source Python environment specifically designed for data science and machine learning. It comes with a range of useful features and tools, including Jupyter Notebooks, pre-installed packages, and a powerful package manager. It is the most widely used Python environment among data scientists and machine learning practitioners. In this article, we will … Read more