How Far are Swiss Enterprises in Adopting OpenAI’s GPT Models?

OpenAI’s large language models, such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT, have the potential to revolutionize customer experience and boost economic productivity to a new level. With its ability to automate processes, provide predictive insights, and enhance decision-making capabilities, OpenAI will also impact companies in Switzerland. The question remains: how far along is Switzerland in adopting OpenAI? … Read more

What is the Business Value of ChatGPT and other Large Generative Language Models?

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OpenAI’s GPT models, such as Davinci and ChatGPT, have gained recognition for their impressive language generation abilities. However, many of the tasks that GPT models can perform are not entirely new and could have been accomplished by traditional neural network models for some time. In specific tasks such as sentiment analysis, more specialized models could … Read more

9 Business Use Cases of OpenAI’s ChatGPT

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You haven’t had enough of the recent hype about OpenAI? Fantastic! Let’s explore the business use cases for ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs). ChatGPT is often considered the beginning of a new era of AI adoption. A growing number of ChatGPT users are now using AI in their personal workflows. However, adoption in … Read more

Predictive Maintenance: Predicting Machine Failure using Sensor Data with XGBoost and Python

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Predictive maintenance is a game-changer for the modern industry. Still, it is based on a simple idea: By using machine learning algorithms, businesses can predict equipment failures before they happen. This approach can help businesses improve their operations by reducing the need for reactive, unplanned maintenance and by enabling them to schedule maintenance activities during … Read more

Forecasting Beer Sales with ARIMA in Python

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Time series analysis and forecasting is a tough nut to crack, but the ARIMA model has been cracking it for decades. ARIMA, short for “Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average,” is a powerful statistical modeling technique for time series analysis. It’s particularly effective when the time series you’re analyzing follows a clear pattern, like seasonal changes in … Read more