Unlocking the Potential of Machine Learning in the Insurance Industry: Five Use Cases with High Business Value


The insurance industry has long harnessed technology’s transformative power. From online policy applications to modernized claims processing systems, the tech revolution in insurance has been in motion for years. However, machine learning promises to be one of the most influential and disruptive advancements in the sector. Machine learning empowers insurers to analyze vast data volumes, … Read more

Multivariate Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data in Python: Using Isolation Forests to Detect Credit Card Fraud

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Credit card fraud has become one of the most common use cases for anomaly detection systems. The number of fraud attempts has risen sharply, resulting in billions of dollars in losses. Early detection of fraud attempts with machine learning is therefore becoming increasingly important. In this article, we take on the fight against international credit … Read more

Forecasting Beer Sales with ARIMA in Python

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Time series analysis and forecasting is a tough nut to crack, but the ARIMA model has been cracking it for decades. ARIMA, short for “Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average,” is a powerful statistical modeling technique for time series analysis. It’s particularly effective when the time series you’re analyzing follows a clear pattern, like seasonal changes in … Read more

Training a Sentiment Classifier with Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression in Python

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Are you ready to learn about the exciting world of social media sentiment analysis using Python? In this article, we’ll dive into how companies are leveraging machine learning to extract insights from Twitter comments, and how you can do the same. By comparing two popular classification models – Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression – we’ll … Read more