Automate Crypto Trading with a Python-Powered Twitter Bot and Signals

trading bot machine learning python tutorial neural network gateio-min

This tutorial develops a Twitter bot in Python that will generate automated trading signals. The bot will pull real-time price data on various cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Doge, etc.) from the crypto exchange and analyze it using predefined rules. Whenever the bot detects a relevant price change, it automatically posts a tweet via Twitter. Simple … Read more

Posting Tweets On Twitter using Python and Tweepy

twitter api gate to social mediadata relataly tutorial python

In a previous article, we have shown how to retrieve social media data via the Twitter API in Python. However, we can do many more cool things with the Twitter API. Another cool thing is interacting with the Twitter user account and posting automated tweets. This article shows how this works. We will use the … Read more

Streaming Tweets and Images via the Twitter API in Python

twitter social media relataly machine learning api streaming data midjourney-min

Twitter is a rich source of data that can be used to understand current and future trends. Because tweets often include hashtags, they can be easily linked to specific contexts such as political discussions or financial instruments. This makes Twitter a valuable tool for collecting and analyzing data. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to … Read more

Training a Sentiment Classifier with Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression in Python

sentiment analysis machine learning python tutorial relataly midjourney ai-min

Are you ready to learn about the exciting world of social media sentiment analysis using Python? In this article, we’ll dive into how companies are leveraging machine learning to extract insights from Twitter comments, and how you can do the same. By comparing two popular classification models – Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression – we’ll … Read more