Unveiling Hidden Patterns in the Cryptocurrency Market with Affinity Propagation and Python

clustering stock markets machine learning cryptocurrencies blockchain bitcoin ethereum-min

Affinity propagation is a powerful unsupervised clustering technique that can identify hidden patterns in large datasets. In the cryptocurrency world, where new coins are constantly emerging and prices can be highly volatile, affinity propagation can help investors simplify the chaos. By analyzing historical price data, affinity propagation groups coins into clusters based on their past … Read more

Using Random Search to Tune the Hyperparameters of a Random Decision Forest with Python

Perfecting your machine learning model’s hyperparameters can often feel like hunting for a proverbial needle in a haystack. But with the Random Search algorithm, this intricate process of hyperparameter tuning can be efficiently automated, saving you valuable time and effort. Hyperparameters are properties intrinsic to your model, like the number of estimators in an ensemble … Read more

Stock Market Forecasting Neural Networks for Multi-Output Regression in Python

time series prediction machine learning python tutorial relataly midjourney

Multi-output time series regression can forecast several steps of a time series at once. The number of neurons in the final output layer determines how many steps the model can predict. Models with one output return single-step forecasts. Models with various outputs can return entire series of time steps and thus deliver a more detailed … Read more

Multivariate Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data in Python: Using Isolation Forests to Detect Credit Card Fraud

credit card fraud detection python machine learning tutorial cyber criminal neon lights-min

Credit card fraud has become one of the most common use cases for anomaly detection systems. The number of fraud attempts has risen sharply, resulting in billions of dollars in losses. Early detection of fraud attempts with machine learning is therefore becoming increasingly important. In this article, we take on the fight against international credit … Read more

Automate Crypto Trading with a Python-Powered Twitter Bot and Gate.io Signals

trading bot machine learning python tutorial neural network gateio-min

This tutorial develops a Twitter bot in Python that will generate automated trading signals. The bot will pull real-time price data on various cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Doge, etc.) from the crypto exchange Gate.io and analyze it using predefined rules. Whenever the bot detects a relevant price change, it automatically posts a tweet via Twitter. Simple … Read more

Requesting Crypto Price Data from the Gate.io REST API in Python

gatio cryptocurrency data api midjourney relataly-min

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the Gate.io spot market API to stream cryptocurrency prices in real-time using Python. Streaming prices is crucial for implementing use cases such as analyzing an incoming stream of price data in real-time for generating trading signals or conducting price analytics. One of the benefits of using … Read more

Mastering Multivariate Stock Market Prediction with Python: A Guide to Effective Feature Engineering Techniques

feature engineering for stock market prediction, multivariate time series modelling midjourney relataly python tutorial

Are you interested in learning how multivariate forecasting models can enhance the accuracy of stock market predictions? Look no further! While traditional time series data provides valuable insights into historical trends, multivariate forecasting models utilize additional features to identify patterns and predict future price movements. This process, known as “feature engineering,” is a crucial step … Read more

Training a Sentiment Classifier with Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression in Python

sentiment analysis machine learning python tutorial relataly midjourney ai-min

Are you ready to learn about the exciting world of social media sentiment analysis using Python? In this article, we’ll dive into how companies are leveraging machine learning to extract insights from Twitter comments, and how you can do the same. By comparing two popular classification models – Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression – we’ll … Read more

Stock Market Prediction using Multivariate Time Series and Recurrent Neural Networks in Python

multivariate time series prediction machine learning forecasting python midjourney relataly tutorial-min

Regression models based on recurrent neural networks (RNN) can recognize patterns in time series data, making them an exciting technology for stock market forecasting. What distinguishes these RNNs from traditional neural networks is their architecture. It consists of multiple layers of long-term, short-term memory (LSTM). These LSTM layers allow the model to learn patterns in … Read more

Stock Market Prediction – Adjusting Time Series Prediction Intervals in Python

stock market prediction python

Get ready to level up your time-series forecasting game! In this tutorial, we’re going to take things up a notch by showing you how to adjust prediction intervals using Keras recurrent neural networks and Python. Now, you may remember our previous article on stock market forecasting where we made a forecast for the S&P500 stock … Read more

Stock Market Prediction using Univariate Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Python

neural network multivariate forecasting python machine learning midjourney relataly bull data

Financial analysts have long been fascinated by the prospect of predicting the prices of financial assets. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using machine learning and deep learning techniques to generate predictions, in addition to traditional methods such as technical and fundamental analysis. Python libraries like Keras and Scikit-Learn make it relatively … Read more